

The Church’s Ministry of Healing-The Mount does not receive central funding from the Church of Ireland. The charity depends on voluntary donations from those who wish to support Christ’s ministry of healing from personal donations, Parishes, Churches, Trusts and commercial organisations. 

We would ask everyone who appreciates the work that is done in Christ’s name within the Church’s Ministry of Healing-The Mount to partner with us and consider making a financial contribution to God’s mission and healing.

Banks request that the correct name of the Ministry account is used, with the sort code and account number to which donations are sent.

Our company name is 

The Church’s Ministry of Healing–The Mount         

The account is
The Church’s Ministry of Healing–The Mount
Sort code 95-06-79
Account 70041971
It is held at
Danske Bank,
Forestside Shopping Centre
27 Upper Galwally,
Belfast BT8 6FX

You can be assured that your donation will be warmly welcomed and used in strict confidence and propriety.  Audited accounts can be obtained from our office. We are regulated by The Charity Commission Northern Ireland, NIC 104798, Companies House, NI072992, and The Fundraising Regulator.

If you wish to donate to a specific purpose, or facility, please discuss this with Revd Dr Pat Mollan.

There are several ways to donate:

Donate ONLINE by scanning this QR code:

Donation boxes can be obtained from the office on request, and when appropriate, to leave back into the office.  Once counted, the cash amount can be augmented from the HMRC small gift aid scheme at no cost to you.

Donations can be made by sending your CHEQUE, payable to the Church’s Ministry of Healing-The Mount, to:
The Church’s Ministry of Healing-The Mount
Cregagh House
162 Upper Knockbreda Road
Belfast BT6 9QF

Or IN THE OFFICE using a debit card. We have a card reader and SUM UP charges about 1.5% fee for use.


The Church’s Ministry of Healing-The Mount
Danske Bank, Forestside,
27 Upper Galwally,
Belfast BT8 6FX
Sort code 95-06-79 Account 70041971

We welcome this method of donation as it helps us to budget with the potential of sustained income. Please copy this form, print and when completed, send it to your bank. To ensure receipt, please send a copy to our office.

Standing Order Form

Name of Your Bank
Full address
Your Account Name
Account number
Sort Code

I/We hereby authorise and request you to debit my/our account with the Sum of__________________________________
per month/quarter/year (please delete as appropriate)
and credit to
The Church’s Ministry of Healing-The Mount
Account 70041971 Sort code 95-06-79
Danske Bank
Forestside Shopping Centre
27 Upper Galwally
Belfast BT8 6FX

Commencing date:
Until further notice from me/us in writing




Gift Aid

If you pay tax in the United Kingdom, here is a Gift Aid Form which will allow us to claim 20% to 25% in addition to your donation. Please copy the form and send to our office.


Gift Aid Declaration
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that I must pay an amount of Income Tax or Capital Gains tax in any relevant year equal to the tax that CMH-The Mount will reclaim. I will advise CMH-The Mount if the situation changes. I want CMH-The Mount to treat all donations I make from the date of this declaration, until I notify otherwise, as Gift Aid Donations.

Signature Date

(Please complete in black pen and capitals)
Title First Name Surname





Please consider The Church’s Ministry of Healing–The Mount in your Will.

Your Will is best drawn up by a solicitor, who will ensure it is legally correct and that your wishes will be carried out. It is not a complicated or expensive process to change it in favour of the healing ministry.
You may wish to leave part or all of your estate to the Charity. You can designate a fixed sum of money and you might wish to gift a specific item. There are precise wordings to use, and your solicitor will be in a position to draw these up according to your wishes.
More information can be obtained from;

We would be delighted if you would make the Church’s Ministry of Healing a beneficiary in your Will and these words should be inserted as the recipient;

The Church’s Ministry of Healing–The Mount
Cregagh House
162 Upper Knockbreda Road