Jesus commands his followers; “Heal anyone who is sick and tell them; God’s kingdom is right on your doorstep.”
Regular Healing Services and Laying on of Hands
St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast > Every Friday at 1pm in the Cathedral Hall
St Molua’s, Stormont > First Tuesday in the month at 8pm
Down Cathedral, Downpatrick > First Friday in the month at 1pm
162 Upper Knockbreda Road, Belfast BT6 9QF > First and Third Tuesdays in the month at 10am (with Holy Communion)
Only if you want to
No, service sheets are provided and the leader will give a clear presentation
Yes, the prayer team is confidential, discrete, and especially trained
No, you only have to say what you want, even one word will suffice
Jesus told his followers that all we need is faith the size of a tiny seed
Of course, you will be welcomed and please feel free to ask questions
Prayer phoneline at 162 Upper Knockbreda Road
028 9079 5832
The intercession teams are available for emergency prayer (immediate responses) and teams for less urgent matters (placed on the list for one month, renewable).
Personal ministry, laying on of hands and anointing for physical, spiritual or emotional problems, including healing of memories can be arranged through the office. Prayer over the phone can also be arranged with the office.
Jesus said that we need faith the size of a mustard seed.
Perhaps you are. However, when we bring a hurt from the past in prayer to God for healing, he can alter the effects this wound still has on our life, so that the present and the future can be lived differently.
We would say ‘yes’, because prayer is the means by which we come closer to God. Prayer at a time of sickness also gives an opportunity to thank God for doctors and nurses and all who have care of you.
We cannot answer that question directly but Jesus did challenge the opinions of his day concerning any connection between sin and suffering, in the account of the man who was born blind (John 9). In this case he said that the blindness was not caused by the sin of the man or that of his parents, but that the Gospel might be seen. He didn’t give an explanation of the origins of disease.
If you hold a grievance against anyone, then now is the time to hand it over to Jesus. If it is very large that you cannot deal with it yourself, ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to lay it at Jesus’ feet. Sometimes this is all that is needed for healing to come.
When you come to our Healing Services we will only ask for your Christian name and what you request prayer for.
Jesus is the healer and we pray in Jesus’ name.
With permission we lay hands on a person’s head or shoulders and pray. The Laying on of Hands is a simple act symbolising the imparting of the Holy Spirit.
We use oil to anoint as a symbol of healing, in response to James 5:1 4ff
‘Are any of you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them anointing them in the name of the Lord. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.’
The Church’s Ministry of Healing is committed to encouraging others to become engaged in Christ’s Healing Ministry.
We have begun a process of creating and nurturing centres of healing in other locations. Anyone who is interested in setting up such healing centres should contact the office for advice and information.
Outreach includes; Talks for organisations and churches, Ministry Team training, quiet days, retreats and teaching courses. Phone the office for information 028 90795832 or email