
What we do

We provide professional and strictly confidential counselling and support services in a private, safe, and non-judgmental setting.   The help we offer is comprehensive, integrated and discrete to best meet individual needs of those in difficulty, and the needs of parishes and groups who seek assistance to be informed and practise effective prayer, healing and reconciliation. Each helping branch of our work is boundaried and distinctive with professional supervision and audit, yet flexible to encourage confidential progression between the ministries to lead to self-esteem, vibrant faith development, social rehabilitation and church integration.

Other branches of ministry delivered at our ministry centre include individual prayer ministry and listening, spiritual direction, deliverance ministry, mentoring, marriage counselling, and conflict resolution.  We provide healing services in-house with Holy Communion and Laying on of Hands and anointing.  We deliver teaching courses in-house and externally in local settings.  Quiet days and facilities for staff meetings and seminars are offered in-house and in the beauty and peace adjacent to Strangford Lough.  Contemplative Prayer events occur monthly. 

While each area of help is defined and boundaried, the Director of Ministry would encourage you to discuss your individual needs with her, to determine which category of help might be best suited to you or your organisation.

Group activities and hospitality are offered and accommodated on site where library and study facilities are also available. We are blessed to have a beautiful prayer garden with quiet spaces and a panoramic view across the Lagan Valley.

We encourage and support churches and all Christian communities to develop healing and prayer ministries in their own locality.  We are ready to give our experience and expertise, consultative advice and to deliver supporting services such as Quiet Days, Team Retreats, Training seminars and Discussion Groups, Church Services, and Specialist Deliverance Ministry.  The Director of Ministry will be pleased to help in whatever way you wish.